About Us:
In 1983 Harley-Davidson® started the National Harley® Owners Group (H.O.G®) as a way to promote their brand, the enthusiasm and joy that goes with the "Harley®" lifestyle. Only 3% of the population ride motorcycles and of that only 33% can say they are Harley-Davidson® owners. A few years later they decided to expand on their idea by adding local chapters all around the country (and later to the world), to be sponsored by their dealerships.
Lumberjack HD® H.O.G® was established in 2003. Our H.O.G® meetings are held at Lumberjack HD® on the first Saturday of the month at 9am.
Following our meeting we gear up and go on an asphalt burning adventure.
There are only two rules to be a H.O.G.® owner.
- Rule #1 you must own a Harley-Davidson® motorcycle.
- Rule #2 ride and have fun!.
We enjoy weekly Wednesday lunch rides, monthly dinner rides, along with day rides to interesting places nearby and long distance touring rides. Whether you enjoy rides that are a couple of hours, or rides that are days to weeks long we are sure to have something that will appeal to everyone.
How To Become a Lumberjack HD® H.O.G® Member:
You must have a current National H.O.G® membership to be a member of your local chapter.
Join National H.O.G® by at www.hog.com
Join Lumberjack HD® H.O.G® here: Membership form
Please Return Membership Form To In Person Or By Mail.
Lumberjack HD®
2518 Nw Stallings Drive Nacogdoches, TX 75964
Under Lumberjack HD®'s "You'll never ride alone" motto Lumberjack HD® H.O.G® membership dues are covered for all of our members!