The person bringing in the referral must have bought from our store and financed through HDFS.
The person must physically bring the referral to the store and stay here throughout the process of purchasing a motorcycle.
The person bringing the referral in must inform the Sales Manager, Business Manager, or General Manager that they are bringing in a referral for the Ride 4 Free program before a deal gets started. It must be made known immediately for them to get their payment made.
The person bringing in the referral must either bring in their HDFS statement or allow us to get their payoff so we can get their account number.
The maximum amount that will be paid per referral is $500, but you can not advertise that amount due to MAP policy.
The referral can not be someone who previously purchased a motorcycle from our store.
If the person bringing in the referral has paid off their HDFS loan, they will receive a $250 gift card.
The Ride 4 Free form must be completed and signed by both the person bringing in the referral and the General Manager
The Ride 4 Free form and either their HDFS statement or their payoff letter must be at the front of the deal jacket when it gets turned into the controller.
The controller will cut the check for the payment, staple the bottom portion of the check to the Ride 4 Free form, make a copy of it, then bring both to the General Manager for approval and signature of the check.
The copy of the Ride 4 Free program form with the check stub attached will be kept in the General Manager's office for quick reference.
The original copies of the Ride 4 Free form and the other supporting documents will be kept in the controller's office in a separate folder for quick reference.
These forms must be made available to be audited at any time they are askedfor.
Payments will not be mailed out until the deal is funded by HDFS.
The referral can not be a customer who has already purchased from Texoma HD.